
Bringing your Future into the Present

Risk & Wealth Planning

Services Offered

Risk Management

Protect yourself and your loved ones

Wealth Management

Invest, save and grow for your future

Strategic Planning

Creating a financial blueprint is the first step to financial success.


You work hard for your money; it's time for your money to work hard for you! Risk management, minimizing your costs & maximizing your growth are essential foundations for building your financial story. Your goals are just that; YOURS. You are unique, and your plan needs to fit YOU. We'll help you put a blueprint together that meets YOUR specific financial goals and protect your future.
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Financial Library

Articles and tools to help further your understanding


Risk Management

Life, Disability, Critical Illness, Retirement, Mortgage, Corporate


Wealth Management

Retirement, RRSP, RRIF, RESP, TFSA, Money Management for Kids


Strategic Planning

Getting your strategy off on the right track



Tools, Calculators, Forms



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From Saving To Investing – A Young Adult's Roadmap To Financial Freedom

July 26, 2024

It’s time we talked about the transition from saving to investing, a crucial step toward achieving financial freedom. I’ll guide you through a practical roadmap that simplifies this journey, helping you avoid common pitfalls and make smart decisions with your money. You don’t need a finance degree to understand the basics; all you need is…

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Capital Gains Tax and your Business

July 9, 2024

The 2024 Federal Budget has introduced an increase in the capital gains inclusion rate from 50% to 66.67%.  This change can have a significant impact on the taxation of your corporate investment gains and the disposition of shares in your business. Capital gains subject to tax   Before June 25, 2024 On or After June…

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Introducing the Future Homeowners Savings Account (FHSA)

June 28, 2024

The FHSA is an innovative financial tool crafted to propel your home-buying dreams into reality. Uniquely engineered for individuals eyeing their first-ever home purchase on Canadian turf, this account merges the best of both worlds—the RRSP’s tax deduction glory and the TFSA’s celebrated tax-exempt growth. Harness the Power of Tax Efficiency When you feed your…

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Understanding debt and how to manage it

May 24, 2024

If you’re like most Canadians, you have some debt. And, if you’re like most Canadians who just lived through a pandemic, you probably have more debt now than you did before. In fact, 43% of Canadians say that they’ve experienced an increase in debt in the past year.1 With the cost of living and interest rates…

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The New Canadian Federal Budget: What You Need to Know

April 30, 2024

The New Canadian Federal Budget: What You Need to Know Canada has recently unveiled its new federal budget, and it’s bound to have an impact on you and your finances. Whether you’re a student or a homeowner, here’s a breakdown of how the budget could affect you. Investing in Education One of the key highlights…

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Corporate class mutual funds in a corporation

September 18, 2023

Case Study Scenario For the past 10 years, Mike has owned and operated a local construction company that has become highly successful. Due to this success, Mike has built up significant after-tax profits within his corporation and finds himself facing a decision: withdraw these funds now and invest them personally or leave the funds in…

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How much do Canadians need to save per year for retirement?

July 4, 2023

It’s hard enough for people to wrap their heads around saving and investing for retirement in normal economic times, so it’s no surprise how overwhelmed so many feel about their financial futures today. With inflation increasing the costs of everyday items and rising interest rates affecting the mortgage and other borrowing costs, budgets have gotten…

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Keep the cottage in the family

June 22, 2023

For many families, a beloved cottage is a place of cherished memories and tradition. But as time goes on, the challenges of passing down a cottage from one generation to the next become increasingly complex. In this informative piece, we’ll highlight the common problems families face in maintaining ownership of a cottage, and provide readers…

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2023 Bulletin on Quebec Social Legislation

June 21, 2023
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Why Life Insurance is Crucial for Young Adults: Protecting Your Future

May 18, 2023

In this article, we delve into the crucial topic of life insurance for young adults. While many young adults may not feel like they need life insurance, the reality is that unexpected tragedies can happen to anyone. By protecting your future with life insurance, you can ensure that your loved ones are financially secure if…

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