
Introducing the Future Homeowners Savings Account (FHSA)

The FHSA is an innovative financial tool crafted to propel your home-buying dreams into reality. Uniquely engineered for individuals eyeing their first-ever home purchase on Canadian turf, this account merges the best of both worlds—the RRSP’s tax deduction glory and the TFSA’s celebrated tax-exempt growth. Harness the Power of Tax Efficiency When you feed your…

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A family in Canada in an urban setting

The New Canadian Federal Budget: What You Need to Know

The New Canadian Federal Budget: What You Need to Know Canada has recently unveiled its new federal budget, and it’s bound to have an impact on you and your finances. Whether you’re a student or a homeowner, here’s a breakdown of how the budget could affect you. Investing in Education One of the key highlights…

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Why do I need life insurance?

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Planning for the what-ifs…

We may not like to think about it, but anything can happen to us. If you were no longer alive, what would your family’s financial future look like? Ensure your loved ones’ financial peace of mind by getting life insurance.

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Should you have your mortgage insurance with your lender?

When taking out a mortgage with a lending institution you should cover off that debt with an insurance policy. Not all coverage options are created equal. Let’s look at the highlights of the two options available to you. Individually OwnedTerm Life Insurance Mortgage Insurancefrom lender Control You own the coverage and choose who receives the…

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6 Life stages that trigger the need for life insurance

  Click here for a customized life insurance calculator

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Do you have Mortgage Insurance through your bank?

Life insurance or mortgage insurance? The better option for mortgage protection Your home is probably the biggest investment you’ll ever make. When you arrange a mortgage with a financial institution, they must ask you if you want to insure your mortgage through them. But mortgage insurance from your bank or mortgage lender may not be…

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2019 Canadian Budget update

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5 Reasons why first-time home buyers should consider term life insurance over mortgage insurance

POSTED BY EMPIRE LIFE  Buying your first home? When your mortgage application is approved, your lender will likely ask if you want to purchase mortgage insurance. Before you say yes, remember you have other options for protecting your family and ensuring your mortgage is paid off, should you die unexpectedly. For many, including millennials, purchasing term…

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Life Insurance Through the ‘Ages’

By Charlie Conron (Life Design Analysis)   You’re starting out and becoming less reliant on your parents. You may be strapped down with student loans so life insurance isn’t your first priority. If you’re considering buying a home and starting a family soon, or want to ensure your family isn’t left with student debt if…

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