Ask the average Canadian what their most valuable asset is, and if you are a homeowner, you would likely say your principal residence. While that is likely true when it comes to something tangible you can buy or sell, it is far from your most valuable asset. Your ability to earn an income is your…
Read MoreFINANCIAL MARKETSAT A GLANCE MARCH 31, 2021 Canadian and U.S. equity sectors were generally positive this month. Short-term and global bonds outperformed, amongst a backdrop of rising yields. Here are the financial markets at a glance. Download the PDF CANADIAN EQUITIES US EQUITIES Sector9 of the 11 Canadian equity…
Read Morepdf-html Imagine the impact A conversation with Sam and Anita Sam and Anita, both age 45, want to make sure they’ll be able to meet their lifestyle goals in retirement. They’re maximizing their contributions to company pension plans, registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs) and tax-free savings accounts (TFSAs) to fund their basic needs in retirement.…
Read MoreA Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) is a personal savings account that can be used to save for any goal. After-tax money can go into a TFSA, but your investments grow tax-free and you won’t pay any tax on withdrawal.Who should invest in a TFSA?Canadians who have reached the age of majorityGreat for short term, medium-term,…
Read MoreWhen building a house, you start with a solid foundation before you start framing the structure. Below are two ways your child’s (grandchild’s) financial foundation can be set up for success. Option 1A – RESP A Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) can be part of every family’s financial plan. The Government will contribute 20% of…
Read MoreDo any of the below resonate with you? I hold traditional investments inside my holding/operating company I am looking to diversify my holdings towards an alternative tax advantaged asset class I want to increase the internal rate of return on my estate plan. I want to maximize the Capital Dividend Account balance (corporate IFA). I…
Read MoreProtection from a major health event and a little forced savings for your healthy future self. One of the unique features in the Canadian living benefit insurance market is the ability to receive all your premiums back if you don’t claim on the contract. Did you know? With this product, you get a cheque from…
Read MoreThere are proposals in the recent Federal Budget that are important to you, your family and your business. Here’s our handy tip sheet to help you manage your finances.
Read MoreWhen taking out a mortgage with a lending institution you should cover off that debt with an insurance policy. Not all coverage options are created equal. Let’s look at the highlights of the two options available to you. Individually OwnedTerm Life Insurance Mortgage Insurancefrom lender Control You own the coverage and choose who receives the…
Read MoreOnce you understand the kind of coverage you have in place, and coverage that you may want, you’ll be in a better position to make an informed choice about whether or not to add to your existing coverage. By Alexandra Macqueen, CFP® RBC insurance You need your pay cheque to pay your bills, do your…
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