
Dollar Cost Averaging

If market volatility has caused you to transfer your money into GICs or cash, you may want to ask yourself if you are still on track to meeting your personal goals. Whether it’s saving for retirement, a home or a child’s education, keeping money in a lower-earning investment option may not give you the growth…

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4 estate planning tips

4 estate planning tips 1. Make a will 2. Appoint an executor 3. Think about the fiscal impacts 4. Discuss it Nobody likes to think about death or the burden it often represents for those we leave behind.Yet, it is important to be ready. Don’t postpone this important task―the decisions you have to make won’t…

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Setting your (grand) children up for financial success!

When building a house, you start with a solid foundation before you start framing the structure.  Below are two ways your child’s (grandchild’s) financial foundation can be set up for success. Option 1A – RESP A Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) can be part of every family’s financial plan.  The Government will contribute 20% of…

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Have you ever heard of an Immediate Financing Arrangement?

Do any of the below resonate with you? I hold traditional investments inside my holding/operating company I am looking to diversify my holdings towards an alternative tax advantaged asset class I want to increase the internal rate of return on my estate plan.  I want to maximize the Capital Dividend Account balance (corporate IFA).  I…

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Protection from a major health event and a little forced savings for your healthy future self

Protection from a major health event and a little forced savings for your healthy future self. One of the unique features in the Canadian living benefit insurance market is the ability to receive all your premiums back if you don’t claim on the contract. Did you know? With this product, you get a cheque from…

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Should you have your mortgage insurance with your lender?

When taking out a mortgage with a lending institution you should cover off that debt with an insurance policy. Not all coverage options are created equal. Let’s look at the highlights of the two options available to you. Individually OwnedTerm Life Insurance Mortgage Insurancefrom lender Control You own the coverage and choose who receives the…

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