
Ten retirement myths series: Myth #3

How much is enough? Books have been written on the subject of retirement and what you need to save. Myths abound on this question. Here’s one to consider: I need $500K, $1M, $2M to retire. Retirement myth #3: I need $500,000, $1 Million, $2 Million to retire. The fact is that your “number” can vary greatly…

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How to save money as you head into retirement

By Cathie Ericson As retirement gets closer, your budget, priorities and lifestyle habits may change. Here’s how you can adapt to those changes and save money along the way. How do you picture retirement? Is it adventures with the grandkids? Vacations with friends? That sounds idyllic, but it’s not always realistic portrayal of retirement. According…

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Financial myths and realities: Succession planning

By Patricia Dubois There are many money myths around, and Sun Life advisors have heard nearly all of them. Here are 2 about succession planning – and the realities behind them. There’s no shortage of misconceptions about money. Well-meaning but mistaken people often spread them to family and friends, and sometimes even try to insist…

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Ten retirement myths series: Myth #2

It’s surprising, even shocking, that with all of the attention devoted to an aging society and the need to save for retirement, that so few people are inspired to get started; and then save so little. Many do have a doom and gloom attitude about retirement. Myths aren’t helping matters. Retirement myth #2: I’ll never…

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The Family Dollar Juggling Act

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Ten retirement myths

We are experiencing a silver Tsunami. The leading edge of the Boomers turned 65 four years ago. On average, 1250 Canadians turn age 65 every single day. It’s part of a 20 year trend. But, most of the Boomers weren’t born in 1946-47. Most were born between 1961 -1965. That’s why you feel everyone has been…

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Financial Facts 2020 – Quebec

Due to COVID 19 the RRIF minimum withdrawal has been modified down. See the 2020 rates at the end of this article Age 2020 RRIF Factors 55 2.15% 56 2.21% 57 2.27% 58 2.35% 59 2.42% 60 2.50% 61 2.59% 62 2.68% 63 2.78% 64 2.89% Age 2020 RRIF Factors 65 3.00% 66 3.13% 67…

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It Pays to Stay Invested…

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How much life insurance does my family need?

The answer to this question differs from one person to the next. Consider the following: ► What would be the financial impact on your family if they lost 100% of your income? ►  What would be the financial impact on your family if they lost 75% of your income? ►  What would be the financial impact on…

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Who Pays for medical expenses in Quebec?

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