
Maximize your RESP

The Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) is an investment program where the Government matches 20% of your contributions. You could even qualify for additional Grants based on your family income. There’s also the Canada Learning Bond where the Government offers up to $500 for low-income families. Start Early Families with young children can benefit the…

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New job? Review your life insurance

Starting a new job or changing careers is one of those important times when you need to review your life insurance options.

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Living benefits of life insurance

This is something not a lot of people know about, but it can be a great solution

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Why do I need life insurance?

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RESP contribution rules

When it comes to putting money into an RESP, it is very important to know the RESP contribution rules. The rules are complicated and somewhat confusing but I will do my best to try and help you understand how they work.It’s all about the Canadian Education Savings Grant (CESG). The CESG is 20% of every…

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Planning for the what-ifs…

We may not like to think about it, but anything can happen to us. If you were no longer alive, what would your family’s financial future look like? Ensure your loved ones’ financial peace of mind by getting life insurance.

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Financial markets at a glance – September 30, 2021


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Life insurance can help your loved ones

Life insurance can help your loved ones cover expenses they currently (or will someday) face if your earnings were no longer in the picture. In addition to maintaining their standard of living now, life insurance also helps ensure their future.

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The New Retirement Reality

Canada’s population is aging at an accelerated rate. An unprecedented number of Canadians are making the transition to retirement

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Simplifying insurance coverage

At times, it can feel like Life Insurance Companies have overcomplicated the products they provide by using fancy names and acronyms. This has left many Canadians feeling confused. Fundamentally, there are only three plan types to choose from when purchasing life insurance. You can rent, lease or own the insurance. Below is an explanation of…

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