
The ABC’s of ESG

You may be hearing the term “ESG” in the investing world more often. But what does it mean?ESG focuses on three core terms; Environmental, Social and Governance. Let’s find out more about each one.As concerns over environmental risks, such as climate change and loss of biodiversity increase, investors are looking for ways to support companies…

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Elite Pricing

An important part of investing is making sure you invest wisely. Even if you invest wisely, you might still be leaving money on the table if you do not pay extra attention to your investment fees. You might remember the old saying, “A penny saved is a penny earned”. The same idea can be applied…

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What is a recession?

Credit: iA Financial Group Signs of a potential recession are increasingly circulating in the public space. Here are some insights to help you understand this economic phenomenon. Are we heading into a recession? Although it has not been confirmed, many indicators and various experts in the field are predicting a recession over the short or…

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Rising interest rates and your finances in 5 questions

credit: iA Fiancial Group Here’s a few answers to questions you may have about the effects of rising interest rates on your personal finances. Why are interest rates rising? When inflation rises rapidly, it creates a cascade of price increases, the main effect of which is that the value of your money decreases, and so…

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Dollar Cost Averaging

If market volatility has caused you to transfer your money into GICs or cash, you may want to ask yourself if you are still on track to meeting your personal goals. Whether it’s saving for retirement, a home, or a child’s education, keeping money in a lower-earning investment option may not give you the growth…

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Staying the course

Sometimes the hardest decision is taking no action at all While equity markets have risen strongly over time, they’ve encountered occasional declines along the way. Volatility may cause a bumpy ride … but isn’t that true of most things in life? Market timing typically fails. The worst-performing days are often followed closely by the best…

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Where do we go from here?

When markets fall, the next peak usually isn’t far away Bear markets can be brutal… But bull markets have a history of charging back. S&P/TSX Composite Index: Bull and Bear Market Returns,1977-20221 “The TSX grew 96.71% since the COVID bottom in 2020 to the most recent peak on 3/29/2022. The index then fell 17.02% to…

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Understanding the different types of life insurance

There are different types of life insurance to suit the needs of different people. Understanding the difference can really help you to choose a solution that works best for you. Talking with an advisor is obligation-free and may put you more at ease with making decisions that will have a financial impact as well as…

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Wishing You and Your Family a Happy a Healthy Holiday and a Prosperous New Year!!

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Job A or Job B?

You have been offered a job and must pick between two different compensation structures. Which one are you choosing? Job A will pay you $80,000/year while working and $0 if you are unable to work due to an injury or illness. Job B will pay you $78,500/year while working and $53,000 (tax-free) if you are…

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