Posts by AdminRFinc
Where do we go from here?
When markets fall, the next peak usually isn’t far away Bear markets can be brutal… But bull markets have a history of charging back. S&P/TSX Composite Index: Bull and Bear Market Returns,1977-20221 “The TSX grew 96.71% since the COVID bottom in 2020 to the most recent peak on 3/29/2022. The index then fell 17.02% to…
Read MoreUnderstanding the relationship between life insurance and taxes can save your money
Many of us don’t realize or fully appreciate that our own death or that of a loved one can trigger a large and unintended tax burden. Fortunately, life insurance can minimize this risk. There are many reasons why people buy life insurance. Life insurance helps people and businesses manage their risk. It provides security for…
Read MoreIncorporating Inflation into Financial Planning
Posted by Peter Wouters Sep 20, 2022 5:00:37 PM Directeur, Planification fiscale et successorale et planification de la retraite, Gestion de patrimoinePlacements Empire Vie Improving success in life and finances What is inflation?Rising inflation causes a decrease in buying power over time. It generally costs more to purchase the same goods and services. …
Read MoreUnderstanding the different types of life insurance
There are different types of life insurance to suit the needs of different people. Understanding the difference can really help you to choose a solution that works best for you. Talking with an advisor is obligation-free and may put you more at ease with making decisions that will have a financial impact as well as…
Read MoreDollar Cost Averaging
If market volatility has caused you to transfer your money into GICs or cash, you may want to ask yourself if you are still on track to meeting your personal goals. Whether it’s saving for retirement, a home or a child’s education, keeping money in a lower-earning investment option may not give you the growth…
Read MoreCorrections: What we can learn from the past
Corrections: What we can learn from the past – May 25, 2022. The Investments team looks at previous market corrections through the decades, the events that followed, and why staying invested through bouts of volatility has proven to be a beneficial strategy for the long-term investor. Well it’s official. The S&P/TSX Composite Total Return Index entered “correction…
Read More2022 Bulletin on Quebec Social Legislation
We are proud to present this 48th edition of the SSQ Bulletin on Quebec Social Legislation. It outlines the terms and conditions of the various federal and provincial social assistance programs in effect this year. These programs provide basic financial and physical security for the entire population. Over the years, SSQ Insurance has evolved in…
Read More4 estate planning tips
4 estate planning tips 1. Make a will 2. Appoint an executor 3. Think about the fiscal impacts 4. Discuss it Nobody likes to think about death or the burden it often represents for those we leave behind. Yet, it is important to be ready. Don’t postpone this important task―the decisions you have to make…
Read MoreThe ride up is usually bigger than the ride down
It’s human nature to be more emotionally sensitive to falling markets, but it’s not always logical. It’s natural for markets to move up and down over time, and the average length of a rising (bull) market is much longer than a declining (bear) market, where gains in a bull market often far exceed losses in…
Read MoreWealth Management Vs Risk Management, What’s the Difference?
In the financial world, there are a lot of ways to manage resources and protect what you have. As a financial advisor in Quebec, Reinblatt Financial is ready to help you manage and build on what you have earned. We help you protect your assets and provide for loved ones for years to come. Here…
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