RESP contribution rules

When it comes to putting money into an RESP, it is very important to know the RESP contribution rules. The rules are complicated and somewhat confusing but I will do my best to try and help you understand how they work.It’s all about the Canadian Education Savings Grant (CESG). The CESG is 20% of every…

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Financial markets at a glance – September 30, 2021


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The New Retirement Reality

Canada’s population is aging at an accelerated rate. An unprecedented number of Canadians are making the transition to retirement

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Segregated Funds Benefits

As you know, I’ve helped you manage your risk be it with life insurance, critical illness, or disability insurance. I also have expertise in helping you with your investments and managing risk there too. As an independent insurance advisor, I’m uniquely qualified to offer you segregated funds, which are an investment product with principle guarantees,…

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Intro to Segregated Funds

Investing your money is an effective way to put your money to work and build your wealth. By investing smart, it helps give you more flexibility to earn more on your money, build more security for your retirement, and ultimately give you the chance at achieving your financial goals and dreams. However, investing comes with…

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ESG Investing

More and more, Canadians want their investments to reflect their personal values and we want our investments to have an impact for positive change in the world.  There are many approaches to responsible investing, including: Climate change Women in leadership Community development Excluding fossil fuels, weapons, and vices Companies that perform well on environmental, social…

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Segregated funds vs. mutual funds: how do they compare?

Two great investment options with distinct differences. Many investors have heard about mutual funds and the wealth potential they have as an investment. Fewer know about segregated fund solutions (seg funds) and their unique features and advantages. Like mutual funds, seg funds are pooled investments. They combine the money of many investors, creating economies of…

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Ride out volatility with a systematic approach

A systematic investing plan provides discipline and the potential for better returns. Investors who watch the markets closely can get dizzy tracking all the ups and downs – and, as prices fluctuate, often unpredictably, it can be hard to stay focused on long-term plans. When markets drop, it can be very difficult to fight the…

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It Pays to Stay Invested…

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Why stay invested (even in a down market)?

The following graph shows the rolling returns (returns over X consecutive years) for 1, 5, 10 and 20 years. The green lines are positive returns and the red are negative returns. Each consecutive line shows more green lines and fewer red lines thus showing that the longer you stayed invested, the better chance of positive…

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